Anne Bersch Young

I had a college professor take a rag and wipe off two hours of intricate oil painting from my canvas. He took my size 00 brush muttering “You are driving me crazy.”

I have been in a creative atmosphere my whole life. I remember taking a paper mache class when I was a young girl, and loved the mess, the texture, the paint – and taking my art home. I was immersed by the encouragement I received from my hometown art teachers, ultimately earning a BFA.

I love when art strikes a chord with the viewer – either in a positive or not so positive way. Regardless of the emotion, a soul has been stirred. 

So, my college professor certainly struck a chord that day, as the room became very quiet. He gave me a 2” brush, and said “You have 15 minutes to finish.” And I did. He opened my eyes and changed my viewpoint. He saw what I could do, unleashed it, and I am forever grateful.

**Thank you to Debbie Tolley, Christiansburg Middle School; Jean Wonderley, Christiansburg High School; Dr. Noel Lawson, Radford University.